Analysis of Damage Causes of Screw Air Compressor Bearings

publish:2021-03-25 10:03:51   views :930
publish:2021-03-25 10:03:51  

  The early damage of the screw air compressor bearing may be caused by a variety of comprehensive factors. When there is a problem with the bearing, we should check it according to the possibility of damage in this article, so as to solve it. Do not blindly investigate all the responsibilities of the supplier.




1. Improper installation (about 16%)

The use of brute force when installing the screw air compressor, directly hitting the bearing with a hammer will cause great damage to the bearing, which is the main cause of deformation;

The screw air compressor is not installed properly, the installation is deviated or not installed in the bearing position, resulting in too small bearing clearance. The inner and outer rings are not in the same center of rotation, resulting in different centers.

Jinniu Xiaobian's suggestion: choose appropriate or professional bearing installation tools, and use special instruments to test after installation.

2. Poor lubrication (about 50%)

According to the survey, poor lubrication is one of the main reasons for premature bearing damage. The main reasons include: not adding lubricant or lubricating oil in time; lubricant or lubricating oil not filling in place; improper selection of lubricant or lubricating oil; incorrect lubrication method, etc.

Jinniu Xiaobian's suggestion: choose the correct lubricant or lubricating oil, and use the correct lubrication and filling method.




3. Pollution (about 14%)

Contamination can also lead to premature bearing damage. Contamination means that dust, metal chips, etc. enter the inside of the bearing. The main reasons include: prematurely opening the bearing package before use, causing pollution; unclean working environment during installation, causing pollution; unclean working environment of the bearing, pollution of the working medium, etc.

Jinniu Xiaobian suggested: Do not unpack the bearing before use; keep the installation environment clean during installation, clean the bearing to be used; strengthen the sealing device of the bearing.

4. Fatigue (about 34%) 

Fatigue failure is a common damage method for bearings. Common causes of fatigue damage may be: long-term overload operation of bearings; failure to maintain in time; improper maintenance; equipment aging and so on.

Jinniu Xiaobian's suggestion: choose the appropriate bearing type, and replace the fatigue bearing regularly and in time.

The above are several common causes of early bearing damage. There are many reasons for early bearing damage. The above are the main reasons for consideration, and sometimes they may be comprehensive reasons.



  If the screw air compressor bearing is selected correctly, the installation method is in place, and the lubrication method and lubricant are selected correctly, the bearing can work normally for a long time. Therefore, the early damage of the bearing may be caused by a variety of comprehensive factors. When there is a problem with the bearing, we should check it according to the possibility of damage to solve it.


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